First Aid for Offline Retailing (only in Dutch)

The Retail Design Lab wants to give all entrepreneurs in retail and hospitality an extra push. So, we have created a real first aid kit just for you, in which we gladly offer advice for Offline Retailing. With this, we hope to support you in continuing to offer your customers an enjoyable shopping experience throughout these crazy times.

Download our first aid kit

The virus has turned our lives and society upside down.  
We are slowly preparing for the "new norm" and must recognise that 2020 has taught us quite a lot. Retailers can no longer do without online shops and the hospitality industry has seen what it can gain from take away and delivery services. A lot of progress has also been made on the digital front, maybe even more so in these past few months than in all the previous years combined.

Even if we manage to beat the virus, it is now clear that we must be prepared for future pandemics. Shopping experiences will have to be partially reinvented. How can you continue to provide your customers with the best service, offer them pleasure in their shopping experiences and at the same time make them feel at ease by always guaranteeing their safety?

We will give you some tips...

Below you can find these in our first aid kit (in Dutch only), a report that summarises it all for you. Happy reading!

Curious about more? Need additional tips?
We are happy to help you with advice tailored to your store.

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